Frequently Asked Questions

by | Mar 25, 2020

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have any Covid-19 Protocols?

Tegritea imports all ingredients from Taiwan produced in our partnered professional packaging facilities with UV and Temperature sanitation equipment. With all of our products being packaged in individual servings, it minimizes the chances of contamination.

After arriving in Canada, these products are inspected by CFIA for food safety purposes.

We use Amazon as our shipping partner to ensure all handling of your kit is done in a professional manner.

What is instant boba?

We were one of Canada’s first bubble tea companies to include instant boba in bubble tea kits.

Our instant boba is made of real tapioca pearl pre-cooked and packaged in microwave-safe packaging. With just 20 to 30 seconds in the microwave, your boba is ready with no prep and clean-up time.

No more hassle and mess just to make one cup of delicious bubble tea.

Do you use real tea bag or milk tea powders?

We have kits that use tea bags and kits that use powders.

For our Premium Milk Tea kit, we have perfected the milling of tea leaves and created our own blend of milk tea powder that does not sacrifice the authenticity of using real tea leaves and the convenience of powder.

Are your kits gluten-free?

Yes. All of your kits are gluten-free.

Our boba is made of real tapioca starch which is gluten free.

Are your kits dairy-free?

Yes. All creamers in our kits are non-dairy and use coconut and soy as substitutes.

What is the shelf-life of your products?

We are proud of the shelf stability of our kits. Not only are they able to be stored at room temperature, but we can also guarantee 1-year shelf-life for all kits and 2 years for our instant bobas.

This is due to the professional factory environment and sanitation equipment we use during the packaging process.

Are there any allergens in your product?

All our kits are gluten-free, dairy-free, and nut free. However, every individual is different, so we recommend checking our ingredient list before ordering if you have allergies.

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